Translation statistics "TOP 10" for trunk branch from 2009-11-22

top > trunk > info by team | info by package | full info page | top 10 | essential | partial | general info last update: 2009-11-22 14:46  

position team name translated % fuzzy % untranslated % total graph
1 Lithuanian (lt) 3343 99.20 11 0.33 16 0.47 3370
2 Russian (ru) 2241 66.50 177 5.25 952 28.25 3370
3 Chinese (zh) 1012 30.03 6 0.18 2352 69.79 3370
4 Polish (pl) 867 25.73 44 1.31 2459 72.96 3370
5 (templates) 0 0.00 0 0.00 3370 100.00 3370

  1. Only translated messages count for TOP 10.
  2. Teams with same number of translated messages are alphabeticaly sorted by team code.

   - translated messages
   - fuzzy messages
   - untranslated messages
   - info not available

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