Translation statistics by package for trunk branch from 2009-11-22

top > trunk > info by team | info by package | full info page | top | essential | partial | general info last update: 2009-11-22 14:46  

package translated % fuzzy % untranslated % total graph errors
nasmail 7463 55.36 238 1.77 5779 42.87 13480 0
total 7463 55.36 238 1.77 5779 42.87 13480 0

  1. Only PO catalogs which have coresponding POT file are included in statistics.
  2. Totals count against number of messages found in PO files. For example, if, by error, translated POs have a different numbers of messages from coresponding POT, then you may observe differences.
  3. POT files messages which don't have associated PO's are not considered. This mean that only untranslated messages from PO files are used in statistics.
  4. A row with red background show that a translation team have the coresponding package with at least one bad PO file.

   - translated messages
   - fuzzy messages
   - untranslated messages
   - info not available

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