[gpg] element index

Package indexes

All elements
a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p r s t u v w _
Method _GPGUnit_TestCase
Variable $action
GnuPG::$action in gpg.php
Variable $activeKey
Variable $algorithm
Variable $algorithm
Variable $algorithm
Variable $allowEntropyIncrease
Variable $alternateKeyring
Variable $alternateSecretKeyring
Variable $arraykeys
Method addRevoker
Adds a revoking key to a private key
Method addSubKey
Adds a subkey pair to a main keypair
Method addTempDir
Adds a directory to the end of the list of directories used when attempting to find a writeable temp directory
Method addUID
GnuPG::addUID() in gpg.php
Adds a UID to a key
Function add_openpgp_header
add_openpgp_header() in gpg_hook_functions.php
This function adds the openpgp header to the outgoing message.
Method arrayKey
Returns an array with key data indexed by field name
Page adduid.php
adduid.php in adduid.php
Page allow_partial_encryption.php
allow_partial_encryption.php in allow_partial_encryption.php
Page base.php
base.php in base.php
Variable $capabilities
Variable $comment
GnuPG::$comment in gpg.php
Variable $creation_date
Method changePassphrase
Changes the passphrase on a secret key
Method clearError
Clears last error
Method confirmSave
Writes a save command to the GPG command file descriptor
Function createTempDir
createTempDir() in gpg_functions.php
Creates a temporary directory in the system's temporary directory.
Page changepass.php
changepass.php in changepass.php
Page cache_passphrase.php
cache_passphrase.php in cache_passphrase.php
Page compose_defaults.php
compose_defaults.php in compose_defaults.php
Variable $date
GnuPGsig::$date in gpg.php
Variable $date
GnuPGkey::$date in gpg.php
Variable $debug
GnuPG::$debug in gpg.php
Variable $defaultKeyFingerprint
Variable $defaultKeyPrefs
Method decrypt
GnuPG::decrypt() in gpg.php
This function does the decryption.
Function decryptmenuBar
decryptmenuBar() in decrypt.php
Prints message navigation menu
Function deleteAtShutdown
deleteAtShutdown() in gpg_functions.php
Removes given elements at request shutdown.
Method deleteKey
This function deletes a key from the keyring in the homedir It will not remove the key from the keys list, so a refreshkeys is need to reflect the new status of the keyring
Method deleteSubKey
Deletes a subkey pair from a main keypair
Method deleteUID
Deletes a UID from a key
Page decrypt.php
decrypt.php in decrypt.php
Page disc_keystore.php
disc_keystore.php in disc_keystore.php
Variable $email_addr
Variable $email_extra
Variable $email_name
Variable $encryptKeys
Variable $error
GnuPG::$error in gpg.php
Variable $errorCode
Variable $errorDescription
Variable $exp
GnuPGsig::$exp in gpg.php
Variable $exp
Variable $exp
GnuPGkey::$exp in gpg.php
Method encrypt
GnuPG::encrypt() in gpg.php
This function does the encryption This is the workhorse of the encryption side of the plugin
Method execute_gpg
Main function for execute commands with gpg All calls to gpg should be made using this function
Method expireKey
Sets the expiration on a primary key
Method expireSubKey
Sets the expiration on a secondary key
Page encrypt.php
encrypt.php in encrypt.php
Page execute.php
execute.php in execute.php
Page encrypt_to_self.php
encrypt_to_self.php in encrypt_to_self.php
Page external_resources.php
external_resources.php in external_resources.php
Variable $fileDescriptors
Variable $fingerprint
Variable $fingerprint
openpgp_header::$fingerprint in openpgp_header.php
Variable $force_exec
Variable $fpr
Method fetchKeys
Function formatRecipientString
Creates list of recipients
Variable $gpgHomeDir
Variable $gpg_exe
GnuPG::$gpg_exe in gpg.php
Variable $gpg_options
Variable $gpg_pipes
Method generateKey
This function generates a keypair
Method generateKey_nopipes
Generates new key without bidi execution functions
Method getErrorCode
Returns code of last error
Method getErrorDescription
Returns description of most recent error
Method getExportText
Exports a key defined by $fpr to ASCII Armored text.
Method getKey
GnuPG::getKey() in gpg.php
Retreives a key from the keyring
Method getKeyIndexFromFingerprint
Retreives a fingerprint based on a key id
Method getKeyMap_chunked
Returns the map of keys, chunked in to chunks of size <= $len
Method getKeys
GnuPG::getKeys() in gpg.php
Retreives keys from gpg if no keys have been loaded
Method get_email_addr
Retrieves email address for the first or active uid on the key
Method get_email_extra
Retrieves extra information for the first or active uid on the key
Method get_email_name
Retrieves name for the first or active uid on the key
Method get_fpr
Returns a string containing the formatted fingerprint for the key
Class GnuPG
GnuPG in gpg.php
This is the main class to use for GPG functions and data
Class GnuPGkey
GnuPGkey in gpg.php
This class contains information about a key and a function to output as an array
Method GnuPGkey
Method GnuPGsig
Class GnuPGsig
GnuPGsig in gpg.php
class GnuPGsig
Method GnuPGSignature
Constructor, takes two types of parameters, either an array or a string
Class GnuPGSignature
GnuPGSignature in gpg.php
class GnuPGsig
Class GnuPGuid
GnuPGuid in gpg.php
class GnuPGuid
Method GnuPGuid
GNUPG_HASH_MD5 in gpg.php
Constant GNUPG_HASH_RMD160
GNUPG_HASH_SHA1 in gpg.php
Constant GNUPG_HASH_SHA256
Constant GNUPG_HASH_SHA384
Constant GNUPG_HASH_SHA512
GPGSTDERR in gpg.php
GPGSTDIN in gpg.php
GPGSTDOUT in gpg.php
Function gpg_add_help_link
gpg_add_help_link() in gpg_functions.php
Create an HTML TAG Link to display help files This will only create the first half of the A Tag pair
Function gpg_add_help_tag
gpg_add_help_tag() in options.php
Creates help popup tags
Function gpg_add_navigation_tags
gpg_add_navigation_tags() in gpg_functions.php
Adds hidden html tags with navigation information
Function gpg_add_navigation_urls
gpg_add_navigation_urls() in gpg_functions.php
Adds navigation params to url
Function gpg_add_system_keyring
gpg_add_system_keyring() in gpg_functions.php
Adds system trust arguments to gpg execution parameters
Function gpg_check_sign_pgp_mime
gpg_check_sign_pgp_mime() in gpg_hook_functions.php
Used to read a detached signature file of type applicatiion/pgp-signature
Function gpg_clean_body
gpg_clean_body() in encrypt.php
Add another =\n sign when necessary in the ASCII Armor Data to clean up problems sometimes seen in messages from commercial PGP
Function gpg_clear_cached_passphrase
gpg_clear_cached_passphrase() in gpg_functions.php
Clears the Cached Passphrase from secure storage Overwrite first with gibberish, just in case.
Function gpg_compose_bottom
This function is called by the main SM plugin_init (above)
Function gpg_compose_form
gpg_compose_form() in setup.php
Adds gpg plugin attributes to compose form
Function gpg_compose_form_process
Function attached to compose_form_process hook
Function gpg_compose_row
gpg_compose_row() in setup.php
This function adds a "Encrypt Now" and "GPG Sign" link to the "Compose" row during message composition.
Function gpg_compose_row_do
gpg_compose_row_do() in gpg_hook_functions.php
This function adds a "Encrypt Now" and "GPG Sign" link to the "Compose" row during message composition.
Function gpg_compose_send
gpg_compose_send() in setup.php
This is where the Encrypt on Send and Encrypt and Sign on Send functions go.
Function gpg_compose_send_do
gpg_compose_send_do() in gpg_hook_functions.php
This function is called by the main SM plugin_init (above) to initialize our compose_send hook functions
Function gpg_decrypt
gpg_decrypt() in encrypt.php
function gpg_decrypt - This function does the decryption.
Function gpg_decrypt_attachment
This is the MIME handler for decrypting attachments.
Function gpg_decrypt_attachment_do
Hook function for GPG attachments with application/gpg-encrypted, attachment application/pgp, application/octec-stream and text/plain mime type.
Function gpg_decrypt_link
gpg_decrypt_link() in gpg_hook_functions.php
This function is called by the read_body hook (above)
Function gpg_download_entity
gpg_download_entity() in gpg_functions.php
Downloads an entity (part of a message) and returns a temporary filename for it
Function gpg_encrypt
gpg_encrypt() in encrypt.php
This function does the encryption This is the workhorse of the encryption side of the plugin
Function gpg_error_box
gpg_error_box() in gpg_functions.php
Prints error boxes
Function gpg_execute
gpg_execute() in execute.php
This function directly execs the gpg binary with parameters passed in all other functions which try to use gpg should call this function
Function gpg_fetch_full_body
gpg_fetch_full_body() in gpg_hook_functions.php
This function is called before gpg_check_sign and gpg_decrypt_link to retrieve the messge body for those functions
Function gpg_generate_keypair
This function generates a keypair
Function gpg_getTempDir
gpg_getTempDir() in gpg_functions.php
Determine the location of the system temporary directory.
Function gpg_getTempFile
gpg_getTempFile() in gpg_functions.php
Create a temporary filename for the lifetime of the script, and (optionally) register it to be deleted at request shutdown.
Function gpg_get_cached_passphrase
gpg_get_cached_passphrase() in gpg_functions.php
Get/retrieve the Cached Passphrase from secure storage
Function gpg_get_message_body_imap
gpg_get_message_body_imap() in gpg_hook_functions.php
get the body of a given part of a message
Function gpg_get_mime_header
gpg_get_mime_header() in gpg_hook_functions.php
download just the mime header from imap (note: this does not setup a MessageHeader class
Function gpg_get_signing_key_id
gpg_get_signing_key_id() in gpg_functions.php
Function gpg_handle_octet_stream
This is the MIME handler for PGP attachments that are not signed with PGP mime types.
Function gpg_handle_pubkeys
Function attached to 'attachment application/pgp-keys' hook
Function gpg_handle_pubkeys_do
Handles attached PGP public keys
Function gpg_handle_signature
This function is called by the main SM plugin_init (above)
Function gpg_handle_signature_do
gpg_handle_signature_do() in gpg_hook_functions.php
Hook function for application/gpg-signature attachments This function looks for the previous attachment and checks the signature against it. The resulting info is also placed in a session variable gpgverifyinfo
Function gpg_help_chapter
gpg_help_chapter() in setup.php
Function attached to help_chapter hook
Function gpg_help_chapter_do
This function displays the GPG Help link on the main SM help screen
Function gpg_https_connection
gpg_https_connection() in gpg_functions.php
This function is called to check whether the user has an SSL connection Returns 0 for false and 1 for true (SSL)
Function gpg_identity_process
Function gpg_identity_process_hook
Function to handle general identity save triggered by options_identity_process hook
Function gpg_identity_renumber
Function gpg_identity_renumber_hook
Function used to re-assign GPG->SM identity maps
Function gpg_identity_table
Function gpg_identity_table_hook
gpg_identity_table_hook() in gpg_hook_functions.php
Function to display possible gpg secret keys for user to select
Function gpg_import_link
gpg_import_link() in gpg_hook_functions.php
This function is called by the read_body hook (above)
Function gpg_is_passphrase_cacheable
gpg_is_passphrase_cacheable() in gpg_functions.php
This function checks all the options to see if passphrase caching is enabled. Returns true if system allows passphrase caching and the user has selected to cache their passphrase Otherwise returns false.
Function gpg_is_passphrase_cached
gpg_is_passphrase_cached() in gpg_functions.php
This function checks all the options to see if a cached passphrase should be retrieved. Returns true if system allows passphrase caching and the user has selected to cache their passphrase, and there is a cached passphrase Otherwise returns false.
Function gpg_keyserver_findkey
This function will search for keys on a public keyserver
Function gpg_list_keys
gpg_list_keys() in key.php
This function is the generic key lister for the plugin it is used for trusted_key operations, as well as key signing
Function gpg_loading_constants
Function attached to loading_constants hook
Function gpg_loading_constants_do
Sets constants used in plugin
Function gpg_loading_prefs
gpg_loading_prefs() in setup.php
Function attached to loading_prefs hook
Function gpg_loading_prefs_do
Function bypasses compose form security checks
Function gpg_message_encrypt_and_sign
gpg_message_encrypt_and_sign() in gpg_hook_functions.php
Encrypts or signs messages
Function gpg_openpgp_header
gpg_openpgp_header() in gpg_hook_functions.php
This function is called to parse whatever "openpgp:" headers are found in the message and to display add and respond links to those headers.
Function gpg_optpage_register_block
This function formats and adds the plugin and its description to the Options screen.
Function gpg_optpage_register_block_do
gpg_optpage_register_block_do() in gpg_hook_functions.php
This function formats and adds the plugin and its description to the Options screen.
Function gpg_optpage_set_loadinfo
Function attached to optpage_set_loadinfo hook
Function gpg_optpage_set_loadinfo_do
Sets gpg option block
Function gpg_page_title
gpg_page_title() in gpg_functions.php
Creates page title tags
Function gpg_parse_address
gpg_parse_address() in encrypt.php
This function will parse the address correctly into a recipient list for use by the calling page.
Function gpg_parse_output
gpg_parse_output() in gpg_functions.php
This will parse the string that gpg returns for info, warnings, errors and return them in arrays. This function also returns any other output seperately
Function gpg_read_body_header
Function attached to read_body_header hook
Function gpg_read_body_header_do
gpg_read_body_header_do() in gpg_hook_functions.php
This function is called by setup.php, within a hook to initialize our read_body_header functions.
Function gpg_secure_unlink
gpg_secure_unlink() in gpg_functions.php
Securely delete a temporary file
Function gpg_setglobal
gpg_setglobal() in gpg_functions.php
This function will set a global variable that we want to be available to NaSMail in a fassion that is usable by all of the NaSMail sqgetGlobalVar or other get functions. Place the variable in _SESSION, _POST, and _GET
Function gpg_set_cached_passphrase
gpg_set_cached_passphrase() in gpg_functions.php
Sets the Cached Passphrase, storing it in secure storage
Function gpg_show_encrypt_errors
gpg_show_encrypt_errors() in gpg_functions.php
Prints all error messages generated during signing and encrypting process
Function gpg_show_menuline
gpg_show_menuline() in setup.php
Function attached to menuline hook
Function gpg_show_menuline_do
This function adds the Keyring link to the main SM top menu on every screen.
Function gpg_sign_attachment
Signs filename
Function gpg_sign_message
gpg_sign_message() in sign.php
Signs message
Function gpg_stripstr
gpg_stripstr() in gpg_functions.php
function to strip a gpg: from the beginning of a string, if it exists
Function gpg_strip_sign
gpg_strip_sign() in gpg_hook_functions.php
This function strips a gpg signature from the text
Function gpg_update_trustdb
gpg_update_trustdb() in gpg_functions.php
This function will update the gpg trustdb for the current user including a scan of the system keyring if enabled
Function gpg_verify_passphrase
gpg_verify_passphrase() in gpg_functions.php
Checks if the passphrase for the given key is valid
Function gpg_verify_signature
Verifies file's signature
Function gpg_version
gpg_version() in setup.php
Shows plugin version
Page gpg.php
gpg.php in gpg.php
Page genkey.php
genkey.php in genkey.php
Page genkey_keygen.php
genkey_keygen.php in genkey_keygen.php
Page getstart.php
getstart.php in getstart.php
Page gpg_decrypt_attach.php
gpg_decrypt_attach.php in gpg_decrypt_attach.php
Page gpg_functions.php
gpg_functions.php in gpg_functions.php
Page gpg_help.php
gpg_help.php in gpg_help.php
Page gpg_help_base.php
gpg_help_base.php in gpg_help_base.php
Page gpg_hook_functions.php
gpg_hook_functions.php in gpg_hook_functions.php
Page gpg_pop_init.php
gpg_pop_init.php in gpg_pop_init.php
Page gpg_recipientlist.php
gpg_recipientlist.php in gpg_recipientlist.php
Page gpg_view_verify_text.php
gpg_view_verify_text.php in gpg_view_verify_text.php
Page gpg_test.php
gpg_test.php in gpg_test.php
Page gpg_test_class.php
gpg_test_class.php in gpg_test_class.php
Variable $hash
Variable $hash_algorithm
Variable $haveSecret
Page hooks.php
hooks.php in hooks.php
Variable $id
openpgp_header::$id in openpgp_header.php
Variable $id
GnuPGkey::$id in gpg.php
Variable $id
GnuPGsig::$id in gpg.php
Variable $id
Variable $indata
GnuPG::$indata in gpg.php
Variable $interactionData
Variable $invalidRecipients
Method importKey_file
Imports keys from a file into the keyring.
Method importKey_server
Imports a key from ascii-armored keyblock text
Method importKey_text
Imports a key from ascii-armored keyblock text
Method increaseEntropy
Runs commands to increase entropy for gpg
Function initGnuPG
initGnuPG() in gpg_functions.php
This function is used to inialize and return a configured GnuPG object
Method isError
GnuPG::isError() in gpg.php
Check to see if last action returned an error
Page import_key_file.php
import_key_file.php in import_key_file.php
Page import_key_imap.php
import_key_imap.php in import_key_imap.php
Page import_key_proxy.php
import_key_proxy.php in import_key_proxy.php
Page import_key_text.php
import_key_text.php in import_key_text.php
Variable $keys
GnuPG::$keys in gpg.php
Page key.php
key.php in key.php
Page keygen.php
keygen.php in keygen.php
Page keyring_main.php
keyring_main.php in keyring_main.php
Page keyserver.php
keyserver.php in keyserver.php
Page keysign.php
keysign.php in keysign.php
Page keyview.php
keyview.php in keyview.php
Variable $lang_env_values
Variable $lang_env_vars
Variable $len
GnuPGkey::$len in gpg.php
Method list_encrypt_keys
lists the encryption keys used for encrypted data
Function list_secret_keys
list_secret_keys() in pref.php
Function load_optpage_gpg
load_optpage_gpg() in options.php
Function load_prefs_from_file
This function is called on load to set up the system wide options
Page load_config.php
load_config.php in load_config.php
Variable $microtime
Method makearrayKeys
Creates an array of keys on the keyring, making use of the arrayKey function
Variable $newKeys
GnuPG::$newKeys in gpg.php
Variable $newpassphrase
Method numKeys
GnuPG::numKeys() in gpg.php
Returns the total number of keys in the object, as determined by options passed to fetchKeys().
Page no_signing_passwd.php
no_signing_passwd.php in no_signing_passwd.php
Variable $outdata
GnuPG::$outdata in gpg.php
Class openpgp_header
openpgp_header in openpgp_header.php
Adds OpenPGP header parsing to Rfc822Header class
Page openpgp_header.php
openpgp_header.php in openpgp_header.php
Page openpgp_options.php
openpgp_options.php in openpgp_options.php
Page options.php
options.php in options.php
Variable $passphrase
Variable $pipeOpen
GnuPG::$pipeOpen in gpg.php
Variable $pubkey_algorithm
Method parseField
openpgp_header::parseField() in openpgp_header.php
Method parseStatusLine
Parse a line from GnuPG's status file descriptor and act on it
Method parse_output
This will parse the string that gpg returns for info, warnings, errors and return them in arrays. This function also returns any other output seperately
PASSPHRASE_FD in gpg.php
Class PHPUnit_GnuPGTestCase
PHPUnit_GnuPGTestCase in gpg_test_class.php
Method PHPUnit_GnuPGTestCase
Page pref.php
pref.php in pref.php
Method processParameters
Variable $reserved
Method readStatus
Reads and loops on the status pipe from gpg
Method refreshKeys
Main function for retreiving key and signature information from gpg Parses output from gpg and creates the array of GnuPGKey objects in $this->keys
Variable $sigclass
Variable $signatures
Variable $signatures
Variable $signedKeyFingerprint
Variable $signedKeyUserID
Variable $signHashAlgo
Variable $signPubKeyAlgo
Variable $statusout
Variable $stderr
GnuPG::$stderr in gpg.php
Variable $stdout
GnuPG::$stdout in gpg.php
Variable $stdout_filter
Variable $strval
openpgp_header::$strval in openpgp_header.php
Variable $subkeys
Variable $systemKeyring
Page sign.php
sign.php in sign.php
Page showkeyringlink.php
showkeyringlink.php in showkeyringlink.php
Page signing_messages.php
signing_messages.php in signing_messages.php
Page setup.php
setup.php in setup.php
Function scandir
scandir() in gpg_decrypt_attach.php
List files and directories inside the specified path
Method searchKey_server
Searches for key in keyserver
Method setError
Sets error
Method setHomeDir
set the GnuPG home directory
Method setKeyPassphrase
Sets the passphrase for a secret key identified by its fingerprint or key id
Method setKeyPrefs
This function generates a keypair
Method setPrimaryUID
Sets the uid number specified as the primary UID
Method setTempDir
set the temporary directory (for very temporary output of files, which are securely overwritten)
Method setUp
PHPUnit_GnuPGTestCase::setUp() in gpg_test_class.php
Method setup_keydir
Function showKey
showKey() in keyview.php
Function showSigs
showSigs() in keyview.php
Method sign
GnuPG::sign() in gpg.php
Clearsigns and ascii-armors passed data with a secret key
Method signFile
Clearsigns and ascii-armors a signature on an external file
Method signKey
GnuPG::signKey() in gpg.php
Adds a signature to a public key
Method signUID
GnuPG::signUID() in gpg.php
Adds a signature to a specific or multiple uids on a public key The key is signed by the default secret key if no secret key is specified By default the signature is exportable and revocable
Method sortKeys
Sorts the keys in order of key data name $dataName (e.g. "email_addr", "date", etc) if $asc is true, sorts in ascending order.
Function squirrelmail_plugin_init_gpg
gpg init function
Constant STATUS_FD
STATUS_FD in gpg.php
Variable $tempDir
GnuPG::$tempDir in gpg.php
Variable $tempFileMode
Variable $test_gpg_key_dir
Variable $timestamp
Variable $tmpdir
GnuPG::$tmpdir in gpg.php
Variable $tmp_locations
Variable $trust
GnuPGsig::$trust in gpg.php
Variable $trust
GnuPGkey::$trust in gpg.php
Variable $trustedKeys
Variable $type
GnuPGkey::$type in gpg.php
Page troubleshooting.php
troubleshooting.php in troubleshooting.php
Page trust_system_keyring.php
trust_system_keyring.php in trust_system_keyring.php
Method tearDown
PHPUnit_GnuPGTestCase::tearDown() in gpg_test_class.php
Method teardown_keydir
Method test_createTempFIle
Method test_fetch_keys
Method test_generateKey
Method test_gpg_nopipes
Method test_truth
Method test_verifyPassphrase
Variable $uid
Variable $uid
GnuPGsig::$uid in gpg.php
Variable $url
openpgp_header::$url in openpgp_header.php
Variable $userIDs
Variable $userpassphrase
Page use_system_adk.php
use_system_adk.php in use_system_adk.php
Page uploadkey.php
uploadkey.php in uploadkey.php
Method update_trustdb
This function will update the gpg trustdb for the current user including a scan of the system keyring if enabled
Method uploadKey
Uploads a public key to a keyserver
Variable $valid
Variable $verifiedSignature
Variable $verifiedUserID
Variable $verifyStatus
Variable $version
Method verify
GnuPG::verify() in gpg.php
Verifies an inline signature (clear-text signature)
Method verifyDetachedSignature
Verifies detached signature
Method verifyFileSignature
Verifies file's signature
Method verifyPassphrase
Verifies a passphrase for a secret key The default key is used if no secret key is specified
Variable $writingData
Page what_keycomment.php
what_keycomment.php in what_keycomment.php
Page what_keystrength.php
what_keystrength.php in what_keystrength.php
Page what_passphrase.php
what_passphrase.php in what_passphrase.php
Page what_signing.php
what_signing.php in what_signing.php
Page what_trusted.php
what_trusted.php in what_trusted.php
Method writeCheckLevel
Writes a confirmation level for signature uid verification query Used during keys signing. Defaults to 0 (Not specified)
Method writeNewPassword
Writes the new passphrase to the passphrase file descriptor, twice.
Method writeOkay
Writes a confirmation to the GPG command file descriptor
Method writePassword
Writes a password to the passphrase file descriptor
a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p r s t u v w _