

Retrieve User Data Plugin - Sample configuration file

Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Ralf Kraudelt <> Copyright (c) 2008 The NaSMail Project

  • version: $Id: config_sample.php 1276 2008-04-13 10:14:29Z tokul $
string $RUD_BACKEND (line 35)

Sets used data backend.

Setting value must match file stored in backend/ directory without .php suffix. Plugin is not activated, if backend is set to empty string or backend library is not available in backend/ directory. Setting defaults to empty string.

Possible values 'dba' - Gets data from PHP DBA compatible database. See 'ldap' - Gets data from LDAP. 'mysql' - Gets data from MySQL 'pgsql' - Gets data from PostgreSQL 'posix' - Gets data with PHP POSIX functions. 'textfile' - Gets data from CVS file. 'vpopmail' - Gets data from Vpopmail vuserinfo utility

string $RUD_DBA_HANDLER (line 259)

Sets database type

Available values depend on your PHP installation. Choose between dbm, ndbm, gdbm, qdbm, db2, db3, db4, cdb, cdb_make, inifile, flatfile.

Defaults to empty string

string $RUD_DBA_NAME (line 249)

Set full path to database file

Defaults to empty string. Can be set to filename or URL.

string $RUD_DBA_SEP (line 266)

Separator between username and email address

Defaults to comma

string $RUD_LDAP_BIND_RDN (line 158)

Template for RDN used for binding to LDAP, if you don't allow anonymous binds to access the data; the value RUD_UID will be replaced with the current user's ID during runtime

Plugin defaults to empty string

boolean $RUD_LDAP_FROM_MAIN_CONFIG (line 62)

Controls use configuration of first (=zeroth) LDAP addressbook server from main NaSMail configuration.

Plugin does not use NaSMail LDAP configuration by default.

string $RUD_LDAP_MAIL (line 133)

Name of email address attribute

Plugin defaults to 'mail'

string $RUD_LDAP_MAIL_ALIASES (line 141)

Extra email addresses may be placed under a different name. Like 'proxyaddresses' for Microsoft AD or 'mailAlternateAddress' in Qmail-LDAP.

Plugin defaults to empty string and does not retrieve aliases by default

string $RUD_LDAP_MAIL_ALIAS_PREFIX (line 149)

Extra email addresses are sometimes labeled like SMTP: set this to that prefix. (SMTP is used for Microsoft AD.)

Plugin defaults to empty string.

array $RUD_LDAP_SERVER[0] (line 69)

LDAP server configuration used, if $RUD_LDAP_FROM_MAIN_CONFIG is not true.

Array keys match standard NaSMail $ldap_server array keys.

string $RUD_LDAP_UID (line 126)

Name of LDAP attribute containing login username. Typically "UID" for Unix and "sAMAccountName" for Microsoft Active Directory

Plugin defaults to 'uid'

string $RUD_LDAP_USERNAME (line 118)

Name of the LDAP attribute, where the user's name is stored

string $RUD_MYSQL_DB (line 189)

MySQL database

string $RUD_MYSQL_MAIL_FIELD (line 204)

Field that stores email address

string $RUD_MYSQL_NAME_FIELD (line 199)

Field that stores full name

string $RUD_MYSQL_PASS (line 184)

MySQL server password

string $RUD_MYSQL_SERVER (line 174)

MySQL server

string $RUD_MYSQL_TABLE (line 194)

Table to lookup the values in

string $RUD_MYSQL_USER (line 179)

MySQL server username

string $RUD_MYSQL_USERNAME_FIELD (line 209)

Field that stores username

boolean $RUD_MYSQL_USE_PERSISTENT (line 214)

Controls use of persistent database connections

string $RUD_PGSQL_DB (line 315)

PostgreSQL database

string $RUD_PGSQL_MAIL_FIELD (line 330)

The field containing the emailadress

string $RUD_PGSQL_NAME_FIELD (line 325)

The field containing the full name

string $RUD_PGSQL_PASS (line 310)

PostgreSQL server password

integer $RUD_PGSQL_PORT (line 300)

TCP/IP port the PostgreSQL server is listening on

Defaults to 5432

string $RUD_PGSQL_SERVER (line 294)

Address of PostgreSQL server

string $RUD_PGSQL_TABLE (line 320)

The table to lookup the values in

string $RUD_PGSQL_USER (line 305)

PostgreSQL server username

string $RUD_PGSQL_USERNAME_FIELD (line 335)

The field to match

boolean $RUD_PGSQL_USE_PERSISTENT (line 340)

Controls use of persistent database connections

integer $RUD_RETRIEVE_DATA (line 47)

Controls data retrieval interval

  1. - retrieve once. Depends on 'got_external_userdata' user setting
  2. - retrieve once per session. Depends on 'rud_data_set' session setting
  3. - retrieve on every script load
Plugin defaults to 1.

string $RUD_TEXTFILE_NAME (line 228)

Path to CVS file with user information

Setting defaults to empty string

string $RUD_TEXTFILE_SEP (line 235)

Separator between login, username and email address

Setting defaults to comma.

string $RUD_VPOP_VUSERINFO (line 280)


Setting defaults to empty string.

Documentation generated on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 17:36:23 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3