

mailto.php -- mailto: url handler

This checks to see if we're logged in. If we are we open up a new compose window for this email, otherwise we go to login.php (the above functionality has been disabled, by default you are required to login first)

Use the following url to use mailto: http://<your server>/<squirrelmail base dir>/src/mailto.php?emailaddress=%1 see ../contrib/squirrelmail.mailto.reg for a Windows Registry file

  • version: $Id: mailto.php 1454 2009-10-28 11:46:14Z tokul $
  • copyright: (c) 1999-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
  • copyright: (c) 2006-2007 The NaSMail Project
  • license: GNU Public License
 include_once (SM_PATH.'functions/global.php') (line 24)
 include_once (SM_PATH.'functions/strings.php') (line 25)
 include_once (SM_PATH.'config/config.php') (line 26)

Documentation generated on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 17:36:41 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3